Major Horsemencare project wins in The Netherlands
This newsletter is written for our international distributors who can benefit from the front runners in The Netherlands – their distribution colleagues who have been with us for a little bit longer and therefore have an interesting and relevant commercial track record – with references which can benefit all.
We expect that the crossing of borders will work both ways – for example is the Ann Arbour Monument in Dublin, Ireland, a major reference – and also the war cemetery in Champion, Belgium, proofs that the performance of HorsemenCare is real.
The Qpark reference is a great example: Q-Park is an independent international parking company with good to strong market positions also in the UK and Ireland. They fulfil the need for quality parking solutions at strategic locations. They have a recognisable house style which benefits from the HorsemenCare protection: keeping the entrance clean, safe whilst using 100% natural solution.
In The Hague, one of the major cities in The Netherlands, all the entrances of the QPark parking garages have been protected by ConcreteCare. According to the manager of Qpark, the result is impressive and the business care ‘convincing’. « We had to clean the algae. We also want to protect the concrete. We looked at nanocoatings, which we dismissed due to safety problems and the vague claims. Also, as a company we take durability serious. So, if we needed to do the work anyway, why not smart and 100% natural. The results are there.
» The system was adviced and distributed by Claasen Coatings. « Our role is to give technical advice to Qpark and to recruit and train the applicator. We expect major sales in this segment the coming weeks, because of the enthusiasm of the Qpark manager », according to Mr Robert Greven of Claasen.
QPark location Laakhaven, The Hague – ConcreteCare protected in May 2016
Local Highway Authority selects HorsemenCare
to protect 72,000m2 of concrete sound barrier.
After an extensive ‘typical Dutch’ trial the local Highway Authority of a city in the Middle of the Netherlands HorsemenCare was selected to be applied on all concrete barriers. This will prevent algal growth and will protect the concrete against harmful moist (hydrofobic). The business case was pretty clear. « The cost of safety measures for the traffic alone are so high, that each time we save one turn of cleaning, the extra cost of the HorsemenCare product is eliminated, » according to one official. « We will first pressure clean and then spray HorsemenCare on the clean and dry surface. After the spraying, we will use a big roller to make sure the coverage of the product is good », according to Mr Klaas Vrieswijk of Norfalk. He is the HorsemenCare distributor who has supported both the end user as well as the applicator. Work is expected to commence in September 2016.